Bill Johnson, pastor Californiast, Pasadena ärkamise üks juhte jagab mõtteid ärkamisest Kansases 8. detsembril 2009.
You don’t have to live without miracles. God is better than we think. So we have to change the way we think.
We gotta have signs that make us wonder. The awe has to be restored. If we understand everything about our Christian life, we have an inferior Christian life. There has to be mystery, things you can’t control, can’t explain, can’t understand.
You don’t need signs if you’re traveling the road that is familiar to you. But if you’re going to go where you have never been, you’ll need signs to get there. And if there are no signs on the road you’re traveling on, how do you know you’re on the road you think you’re on?! There’s supposed to be manifestations of the Spirit, continuously.
Collateral blessing. He got too close. (deaf man walking by the door where they were praying).
Any time your creativity (doesn’t matter which form) functions out of the encounter with God,
your creative expression can bring others into that same encounter.
Jesus Christ IS perfect theology. If what you think you know about God can’t be found in the person of Jesus, you have reasons to question it. He is the perfect illustration of the Father.
"As the Father has sent me, I send you." Its not complicated. Challenging? – Yes! but its simple. The Christian life is simple enough, so that mentally retarded can live it perfectly. Its just putting Jesus first and doing what He says.
The ultimate privilege, challenge and responsibility for the believer is to host the presence of God. To be a person that the Holy Spirit would rest upon and remain.
If I have a dove on my shoulder and I do not want him to fly away, how am I going to walk down these stairs? Its going to be carefully, but more importantly... its going to be every step is with the dove in mind. Every action is to preserve, protect, and host the greatest privilege we’ve been given. All of ministry actually has everything to do with our relationship with the Holy Spirit, our ability to be tools in his hands.
In the natural, peace is always the absence of something, its the absence of war, the absence of conflict, its the absence of noise. But in the kingdom, its the presence of a person. Its not an effect, its a person.
Jesus was word made flesh and when he spoke, his words became Spirit. When he spoke, he changed the options of everyone in the room. The kingdom of God is in the Holy Spirit.
The great privilege for the believer is to host the presence and then learn to release or broker it. Holy Spirit’s great desire is to find resting places all over the earth.
Your shadow will always release whatever overshadows you. If you carry fear and anxiety, you will carry that atmosphere around you. But if you carry the atmosphere of the Holy Spirit, you carry the realm of the Kingdom that is to be released and imparted.
You OWE people an encounter with God. We do not owe them mere words. They have to be words that originate from the throne room so that people can be brought into the encounter with God. I owe them more than a message, I owe them the messenger.
The Holy Spirit lives in every believer but He does not rest upon every believer. He is in me for my sake, but he is on me for yours. The other way to put it: the Holy Spirit is in you and He wants out! Because He is in us as a river, not a lake.
I realized that its God that lights the fire, but its the priests that keep it burning. Many fires that God has sovereignly started, have stopped burning because the priests kept putting inflammable objects on the altar.
(About Smith Wigglseworth): He (Smith W) knew that fire always falls on the sacrifice and he was always willing to become an offering. Living offering that the fire of heaven can fall upon.
Every revival starts because of God, every revival ends because of men.
Part of how you get more is to value what you have. You have a horrible life of discouragement if you just feed yourslef on what God hasn’t done instead of celebrating what he has. Its the one prescription for continual encouragement. Its to find out what God is doing. And if you can’t find out what God is doing, then find out what he has done. And feed your soul on what God has done. Without stumbling over what hasn’t happened yet.
Our safety is not in our intellect, its not in our ability to quote Scripture, that is all wonderful and good. The key reference point that keeps us safe is our connection to the presence of the Spirit of God. Those who think their intellect will keep them safe from deception are already deceived.
God, if you touch me again, I’ll make what you’re doing the only thing I’m doing.
I wouldn’t wake myself up to pray, I would wake up praying. My continuous prayer was: God I want more at any cost. I want more at any price. "Are you sure you want more at any cost?" I’ll take it. If I get you in exchange you can do anything you want to me. If there is an exchange of any dignity I think I have left and I can exchange it for your presence then I’ll take it. I knew God was visiting me and he was looking for the willingness to pay any price for his presence.
I pursue the miracles only because I’m in debt. The presence is the treasure.
If you have an encounter with God and you realize you are putting every single thing in your life at risk in order to get more of him, somehow the sobering moment becomes so clear.
If he puts the spirit of the resurrected Christ on you he immediately expects you to conquer something. That presence is supposed to bring a shift in the atmosphere and the change in people’s hearts and minds and body in cities and nations and he expects us to work with this presence and bring the fruit back to him.
Peter was released from prison and the church was praying for his release. Peter came and knocked on the door and Rhoda answered the door and yelled back to the prayer room: "Its Peter“ and they all said: It can’t be. „Our job is to pray for revival, not to have one“(slight paraphrase:-)
The Lord has opened up a well. And we are here to drink from this well.
Somehow when you’re touched by the light, you become light. Jesus was the light of the world, but before he left, he said: you are the light of the world. It doesn’t say „Arise, reflect, for your light has come!“ It changed the nature of who you are when that light touched you.
God doesn’t despise my humanity. Take all of me. All of me covered by all of him. Its not „none of me“, He already had that—that’s why he created me.
Its prayers that move us that move Him. Its cries that move us that move Him.
2009 Lepitusamet * 2010-14 Peigmeest oodates * 2015 Jeremija jälgedes * 2018-2022 Mõrsja mõtisklused
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